Backyard Environmental has developed a process and technology that offers a safe and environmentally friendly solution for oil and gas operators in two of the most active U.S. oil and gas regions — West Texas and Mid-Continent.
- We accept all your E&P waste products including drill cuttings, drilling mud, produced sand, sediments, emulsions, etc.
- We operate two strategically located E&P waste treatment facilities, and currently have additional locations in development.
- Two statewide commercial recycling permits in both Oklahoma and Texas.
- At our disposal facilities we deploy industry leading technology to transform E&P waste materials into valuable products.
- Our thermal technology uses a processing method called indirect fired thermal desorption (ITDU) designed to separate the organic constituents from the waste stream. Once the hydrocarbons are recovered as mud diesel, treated soil is discharged for use as construction material. The waste is condensed, treated, and recycled.

Oilfield Waste is Valuable
Unlike other oilfield waste management service providers, we do not simply dispose of oilfield waste products. We view the components of this waste — millions of tons of fluid and solids — as retrievable, valuable assets for our customers and the communities where we do business.

Modern Technology
Our disposal facilities use a modern environmentally friendly solution and technology to treat, recycle and reuse solid waste from oil and gas operations in the Permian Basin and Mid-Continent.

We Recover Mud Diesel
Oil based drilling waste is typically disposed of in a manner that is unfriendly to the environment. Backyard Environmental’s modern technology allows for the recovery of valuable mud diesel that is lost or buried with drilling waste.